Pic by Emmanuel Puig ©
Rafael Acevedo Cruz was born in Santurce, Puerto Rico and grew up between New Jersey, and New York. He holds a master’s degree in History from the University of Puerto Rico. He is a writer and emcee who has participated in several important Hip-Hop productions and has written for magazines in US as well as for Puerto Rican newspapers. Since 2020 he has been hosting a podcast on the story of Hip-Hop in Puerto Rico. He has done radio and TV interviews. Appeared on various podcasts and has been an invited Lecturer at different universities to speak on issues about modernity, emigration, identity and race. He has also worked as a Librarian and as a freelance historian.
Currently he works as a History Professor at New Jersey City University, John Jay College and Mercy University.
Rafael Acevedo Cruz nació en Santurce, Puerto Rico y creció entre Nueva Jersey y Nueva York. Posee una maestría en Historia de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Es un escritor y emcee que ha participado en varias producciones importantes de Hip-Hop y ha escrito para revistas en los EE. UU. así como para periódicos puertorriqueños. Desde 2020 modera un podcast sobre la historia del Hip-Hop en Puerto Rico. Ha realizado entrevistas en radio y televisión. Ha aparecido en varios podcasts y ha sido Profesor invitado en diferentes universidades para hablar sobre temas de modernidad, emigración, identidad y raza. También ha trabajado como bibliotecario y como historiador freelance.
Actualmente trabaja como Profesor de historia en New Jersey City University, John Jay College y Mercy University.