De la Salsa al Hip-Hop: essays on Puerto Rican modernity
Salsa: memorias de un Puerto Rico Urbano (A-side)
Inspired by César Miguel Rondón & Juan Flores' work, De la Salsa al Hip-Hop is an intellectual project in which I study the Puerto Rican modernity that developed after World War II. “Salsa” would be the A-side that represents the industrialization and urban development and how the youth who grew up during this time used this cultural expression as an outlet to express their experience.
Bocetos: El Podcast (B-side)
First podcast that systematically works on the history of Hip-Hop from the Puerto Rican side. This platform serves to showcase advances on my investigation that will lead to the B-Side of the book -- Bocetos: una historia del Hip-Hop de Puerto Rico. Dealing with emigration, identity and race issues, this is the part of the research that focuses on the decadence of Puerto Rican modernity from 1980's on and how young people have expressed their experience in this regard, particularly through rap. In all major platforms.